
Sunday, May 13, 2012

sugar free angel food cake with strawberries ♥

It is mother’s day and here is a special treat my mother used to make, I miss her every mothers day, her passing in 1991, she was only 37, she had juvenile diabetes, and I will remember all of the beautiful memories of her. She was my best friend, miss you mom xoxo

this is a sugar free cake recipe in honor of my mother

she always loved angel food cake..

Make your angel food cake from a mix. The cheaper the mix the better for you since they usually have a little less sugar. Even an already baked cake will do. Take 1 quart fresh strawberries (or any fresh fruit will do). DO NOT USE CANNED FRUITS, THEY ALL CONTAIN SYRUPS AND CERTAIN PRESERVATIVES.

Save 1/2 quart for garnish and cut the other half into small pieces. Mix with 1/3 of a 12 ounce tub of 1/3 less calorie Cool Whip. Chill.

Cut cake into top and bottom layers. Pinch out center all the way around bottom layer and fill with chilled Cool Whip/fruit mixture. Replace top of cake. Ice with the other 2/3 tub of Cool Whip and garnish with the remainder of the berries.

This cake tastes really rich but a 2-inch slice has less than 100 calories. enjoy!

"promise to try" by madonna is the song most that reminds me of her click on the you tube link above to view it..
 I know she is watching me from above, my angel protecting me...:)  
Please help support diabetes and find a cure..    

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