
Friday, February 17, 2012

russian "syrniki"( cottage cheese pancakes) ♥

here is a dish my great aunt olga used to make i have a healthier version, these can either be served for breakfast with berries  or as a main coarse for dinner with sour cream and dill on top..enjoy! :)

(Aunt Olga is on the left ♥ )
  • 1/2 pound cottage cheese If it's watery, try draining it through cheesecloth.)
  • 3-4 tablespoons white flour for the dough (and extra white flour for rolling your dough balls in)
  • 2 tbsp. potato starch
  • 2 eggs substitute ones for a healthier version
  • a pinch of salt
    extra virgin olive oil ( for the frying pan)
  • berries or jam for topping or if for dinner try fat free sour cream and dill
Beat the eggs. If the cottage cheese is a too watery, try putting it through a fine sieve or in cheese cloth and squeeze out the excess liquid. Mix the cottage cheese in with the eggs. Then add a pinch of salt and 3-4 tablespoons of   flour, depending on the consistency of the dough. It should be much less firm than bread dough, but not watery like pancake mix. Mix everything thoroughly.
Spread a thin layer of flour over a cutting board or tray. Use a spoon to scoop the dough into balls, and then roll them in the flour, finally flattening the cheesecakes a bit so they are just about the same size as a hamburger patty.
Heat extra olive oil in a pan (just enough to cover the bottom of the pan). Cast-iron skillets work best. Make sure your cheesecake patties have a nice layer of flour around the outside and then drop them into the pan. Fry until golden brown on both sides.
Once fried to golden perfection, transfer them to a preheated oven or cover the pan with a lid and leave them on the stove on low heat for 5 minutes. serve was a breakfast with jam and berries and powdered sugar ( low sugar varieties) or as a dinner with a sprig of dil and fat free sour cream and enjoy! :)

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