
Thursday, September 1, 2011

marinated feta cheese ♥

1 large mouthed glass jar, about 2-3 cups
2-3 blocks Feta cheese,  (whole not crumbled and enough to fit in your jar)
½ cup assorted dried herbs: basil, sage, parsley, rosemary, thyme, marjoram, oregano, chive, sorrel, lavender, and fennel
Crushed red pepper flakes
Tablespoon or two of capers, drained and rinsed
Few cloves of garlic, smashed
Optional: a few diced sun dried tomatoes for a little zing!
Cracked black pepper
Kosher or sea salt
Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sprinkle the dried herbs all over a large baking sheet that’s been lined with foil or parchment. Add some black pepper, red pepper flakes or dried crushed chilies and a sprinkling of salt.
Press your blocks of feta into the herbs to coat the feta cheese. Place the herbed feta into your jar. Continue this process until the jar is full of herbed cheese. Cut or break your feta however necessary so it fits nicely in the jar.
Pour the extra virgin olive oil into the jar covering the feta completely. Place the lid on the jar and refrigerate. enjoy!
these are great to give away as gifts!

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